Why Zero Injuries Does NOT Always Mean Your Worksite is Safe


Special Limited-Time Offer!

Log in to Udemy and take our on-line course for only $8 for a limited time. Our agreement with Udemy is changing (their choice) and we will be unable to offer the course through them without following their pricing guidelines. Thus, for a limited time, we are able to offer the course for $8 which is 88% off the current price for the course. You must log into the course on or before April 3rd 2016 to take advantage of this offer. The course is self-paced and can be taken from any device, so as long as you are signed up, you can take ...

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All Industries

Learn What Fortune 100 Companies Teach Their Employees Every Year!

Unable to spare the time or resources for one of our comprehensive face-to-face workshops?  Relax!  We have created a short self-paced on line over view of our popular Motivating Safety at Work course.  This Udemy course, complete with over 30 minutes of video instruction; and supplemental materials, supporting documents, and a quiz is available conveniently and on demand.  For a limited time (and only with the link found here) this course will be offered at an introductory price of $49.  If you or those you work with have not had a BBS refresher within the last year, or want to better understand how to apply the Science of Behavior ...

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What We Do and For Whom…

The Center for Behavioral Safety, LLC (CBSLLC) provides injury prevention and performance improvement consulting and training to commercial, not-for-profit, and government organizations. Typical clients include those whose employees may be at high risk for injury. Our processes including Curriculum Design, Culture Assessments and Change Management (www.culturecheckup.com), On Site and Public Training, and Leadership Development provide profound knowledge to all regarding human behavior and engaging employees in a system that optimizes human capacity and business outcomes.  As a certified Small Business, CBSLLC is committed to providing innovative strategies and tactics grounded in a solid foundation of behavioral science.  Learn in a cost effective way what the most successful companies in the world teach their employees! The Center for Behavioral Safety is ...

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Learn How You Can Prevent Pain and Suffering– www.motivatingsafety.com

Thank you for all you do to prevent injuries at work.  With the investment of a ½-day of your time you can join the thousands of managers, supervisors, and safety professionals like you who chose to successfully improve their safety programs regardless of how well they are currently working.  Imagine the celebration that will occur as you and your colleagues celebrate an entire year without a lost-time accident or even a recordable injury!  The secret to continuous safety improvement is in how you motivate safety at work.  This workshop will provide you with that secret that safety consultants don’t want you to know.  You will also receive strategies for how you can ...

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All Industries

In Just 4 Hours, You Can Learn How to Use 120 Years of Behavioral Science to Motivate Safety in Your Organization!

We are pleased to announce that we have two Motivating Safety at Work sessions currently scheduled, including one in Southern California and another in Northern Nevada.  The next session,  Motivating Safety at Work (for all industries) will be held on FRIDAY June 12, 2015 in Irvine, CA from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  On Wednesday July 22, 2015, Motivating Safety at Work will be presented in Reno, NV also from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Over the past decade, more than 10,000 people across the United States have learned new ways to prevent injuries in this workshop.   Why not you?  Please visit www.motivatingsafety.com for more information and to register.  We look ...

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Motivating Safety at Work! New Session Just Scheduled

We are pleased to announce that we have added another Motivating Safety at Work session to our schedule.  The next session, Motivating Safety for Construction, will be held in Foster City, CA on February 21, 2015.  Motivating Safety at Work (for all industries) will be held on March 27, 2015, also in Foster City, CA. Over the past decade, more than 10,000 people in the United States have learned new ways to prevent injuries in this workshop.   Why not you?  Please visit www.motivatingsafety.com for more information and to register.  We look forward to seeing you there.

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All Industries

Motivating Safety at Work!

We wanted to remind you that our next Motivating Safety at Work session, Motivating Safety for Construction, is to be held in Foster City, CA on February 21, 2015.  Please visit www.motivatingsafety.com for more information and to register.  We look forward to seeing you there.

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All Industries

Jump Start Your Culture Change in 1 Hour

Will your company let another year go by without it? By now you may have heard about Dr. Boyce’s new book: 122 pages, 2 sections, 6 chapters, 2 applications, 120 years of behavioral science in a 5x4” book.  Available in bundles of 20 or more, over 30% off the retail price.  Order for your team, conference attendees, members, or any business leader in time for the New Year! Thank you.  And, you’re welcome! (for larger orders over 100 contact us at 775.232.3099 for pricing and shipping estimates).  www.thepsychologyofleadership.com

Continue reading Jump Start Your Culture Change in 1 Hour

All Industries

Motivating Safety at Work!

We are pleased to announce that the next Motivating Safety at Work! session will be held on October 23, 2014 in Foster City, CA.  Space is limited.  Click here for a more detailed program description and to register. To replicate this workshop in your city or to schedule a private session at your worksite, please e-mail us at: ted.boyce@cbsafety.com or call us at 775.232.3099.

Continue reading Motivating Safety at Work!


thomaseboyce.com to Provide the Latest News on Dr. Boyce’s Public Appearances!

You are constantly on our minds.  And, we would not ever expect our clients to learn and do continuous improvement without doing it ourselves. Thus, as part of our own commitment to continuous improvement, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Dr. Boyce’s new public speaking website, www.thomaseboyce.com   Focusing on Dr. Boyce’s live public appearances and news, the website will keep you up-to-date on where Dr. Boyce is performing and on the latest topics in leadership, motivation, culture change, communication and, of course, safety.  Let us know how we might be able to serve you better ...

Continue reading thomaseboyce.com to Provide the Latest News on Dr. Boyce’s Public Appearances!