Why Zero Injuries Does NOT Always Mean Your Worksite is Safe

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Jump Start Your Culture Change in 1 Hour

Will your company let another year go by without it? By now you may have heard about Dr. Boyce’s new book: 122 pages, 2 sections, 6 chapters, 2 applications, 120 years of behavioral science in a 5x4” book.  Available in bundles of 20 or more, over 30% off the retail price.  Order for your team, conference attendees, members, or any business leader in time for the New Year! Thank you.  And, you’re welcome! (for larger orders over 100 contact us at 775.232.3099 for pricing and shipping estimates).  www.thepsychologyofleadership.com

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Learn Why Regulations Alone are Sometimes NOT Enough to Improve Safety

While we acknowledge the role of enforcing rules, regulations, and policies in any comprehensive safety program, we also believe that enforcement has its limits.  120 years of behavioral science and data on mining-related fatalities collected by MSHA themselves would back-up this assertion. We are pleased to present a new brief video of Dr. Boyce sharing a story that describes a circumstance where enforcement (reprimanding at-risk behavior) is not the appropriate solution to the problem identified.  Please view the video here: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJKHYQAKnmk and share your story of a situation where enforcement would not be enough to improve safety. Contact ...

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How to Engage Dr. Boyce as a Speaker for Your Event

1. Contact us at 775.232.3099 to explore various connections between Dr. Boyce’s training and experience and what you want your audience to hear, see, and do.   He will customize a session for your group.
    • You may provide us with an outline for the scope of your project
    • A customized speech or workshop does not mean it would be cost prohibitive
    • Dr. Boyce’s experience in teaching, delivery of adult education, and expertise in designing curriculum will ensure you get maximum value from your session
2. We are not currently posting our schedule on line.  When you provide us with the desired date or date (s) for your event, we can check this ...

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New Video Series: 3 Questions with Dr. Boyce

The Center for Behavioral Safety is proud to announce that we will be producing a recurring series of video segments called "3 Questions with Dr. Boyce."  The first session of the series can be found by clicking here.  If you would like Dr. Boyce to address a specific question you can e-mail that question to admin@cbsafety.com or, if you are a registered user of this site, by commenting to this post. Other videos by Dr. Boyce can be found at the following links: 1. What Would You Do? : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otn5c7ec19A 2. System Factors: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRN-Uv91Ego 3. Benefits of Positive Consequences: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcu8IGya56c 4. Safety Leadership: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E7Z3YAF5uA We look forward to hearing from you.  Please let us know how we ...

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Upcoming Events and Articles

Dr. Boyce will be speaking on the Psychology of Leadership at the Mt. Diablo ASTD Meeting on October 16, 2012 in Dublin, CA.  You do not have to be an ASTD member to attend.  For more information and to register please click here. Dr. Boyce will also be facilitating a 2-Day course on leadership in New York City on November 5 and 6, 2012.  And, he will be in Los Angeles on December 10-12, 2012 to teach a Leadership Course.  Please contact us directly for more information regarding these events. Finally, please click here to access Dr. Boyce's first column for Mining Quarterly.  His article appears on page 15 of the e-magazine and page 11 of the printed version. To ...

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Upcoming Events! Schedule Dr. Boyce to Appear at Your Event

We have been asked to keep subscribers informed about where Dr. Boyce will be traveling.  With prior arrangements, he is happy to make a site visit to your facility when he is in your area.  In the spirit of keeping everyone informed, below are Dr. Boyce's upcoming speaking engagements.
  • Scottsdale, AZ on April 23-25 for a 3-Day workshop on Leadership Communication.  Contact us for more details.
  • Socorro, NM on May 1 and 2 for the New Mexico Mine Safety and Health Conference. Dr. Boyce will participate in a panel discussion on May 1 and deliver a keynote address and technical session on May 2.  Click here for more details.
  • Phoenix, AZ on May 3 to deliver the keynote at the AZ Spring Thaw. 

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Upcoming Speaking Engagement in Alabama!

Mark your calendars for Noveber 8-10, 2011 for the Southeastern Regional Mine Safety and Health Conference to be held in Birmingham, Alabama. My talk, the Psychology of Safety Leadership, will be presented on Wednesday, November 9 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:20 p.m.  I hope to see you there! Mention this article to me at the conference and we'll enter you in to a raffle drawing for a complimentary 2-hour on-site or Skype consultation or 1-hour presentaiton. Click here for the conference web page.

Continue reading Upcoming Speaking Engagement in Alabama!

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Build a Work Culture of Trust and Mutual Respect

How would YOUR workday be different if:

  • Your leaders communicated more clearly and effectively?
  • Your leaders showed more consistency and made better decisions?
  • Your employees were happy and looked out for and encouraged one another?
  • Your employees routinely took initiative and performed to the highest standard?
  • Your company saw a more open and honest exchange of information across all levels?
  • Your company attracted and retained better employees?
  • Your company’s bottom line continually improved?

Book internationally known behavior analyst, Dr. Ted Boyce, to entertain and inform your leaders, employees, and key stakeholders with a motivational keynote address at your conference, meeting, refresher training, or retreat.  You will learn how to harness the power of people to transform YOUR work culture. 

A partial list of satisfied clients include:  City of


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