Learn Why Regulations Alone are Sometimes NOT Enough to Improve Safety
While we acknowledge the role of enforcing rules, regulations, and policies in any comprehensive safety program, we also believe that enforcement has its limits. 120 years of behavioral science and data on mining-related fatalities collected by MSHA themselves would back-up this assertion.
We are pleased to present a new brief video of Dr. Boyce sharing a story that describes a circumstance where enforcement (reprimanding at-risk behavior) is not the appropriate solution to the problem identified. Please view the video here: and share your story of a situation where enforcement would not be enough to improve safety.
Contact us today to have Dr. Boyce customize a presentation or workshop around this topic (or another) for your facility. Our popular keynotes and training services include: If Your Facility Has Not Injured Someone in While, You May NOT be Doing Your Job; Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement in 4 Steps; the Psychology of Leadership, Do-It-Yourself: How to Implement Behavior-Based Safety from Within. See our latest products here: http://cbsafety.com/new/