Why Zero Injuries Does NOT Always Mean Your Worksite is Safe


Learn Why Regulations Alone are Sometimes NOT Enough to Improve Safety

While we acknowledge the role of enforcing rules, regulations, and policies in any comprehensive safety program, we also believe that enforcement has its limits.  120 years of behavioral science and data on mining-related fatalities collected by MSHA themselves would back-up this assertion. We are pleased to present a new brief video of Dr. Boyce sharing a story that describes a circumstance where enforcement (reprimanding at-risk behavior) is not the appropriate solution to the problem identified.  Please view the video here: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJKHYQAKnmk and share your story of a situation where enforcement would not be enough to improve safety. Contact ...

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All Industries

Mind Matters! Dr. Boyce’s Recent Webcast Now Available as a Recording

Dr. Boyce's webcast through the American Management Association, recorded on March 21, 2012, is now available as a recorded session.  Entitled Mind Matters!  Getting Results through Psychology, the hour long webcast takes you on a brief journey through 3 schools of psychology that can help you make an immediate difference at your workplace.  If you missed the live broadcast, you can get more information about the webcast and make arrangements to listen to the recorded session by clicking on the following link: http://www.amanet.org/training/webcasts/Mind-Matters!.aspx Please also see the Psychology of Management post on our website for information on a 2-Day course that will build on the material that Dr. Boyce will only have the time to touch on during the webcast.  He will ...

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All Industries

What Can You Learn from an Undercover Boss?

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Boyce’s article: You Don’t Have to Be an Undercover Boss (to know what your employees are thinking) has been published by EHS Today. Below is an excerpt from the article: With the recent popularity of the reality television show “Undercover Boss,” I have been thinking a lot about how communication at all levels of an organization is critical to making decisions that positively will impact your company’s bottom line. And although important, I don’t want to limit this assertion only to communication from the top reaching the frontlines in an unfiltered way. Your employees, with their real-life stories, typically make or break your safety, environmental, quality, productivity and customer service. It is for this reason ...

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All Industries

Psychology of Management

What do you see in the figure below?    Some people see green arrows pointing right while others see yellow arrows pointing left.  And, both would be correct.  If perception is reality and people perceive different things from the same physical reality, how do you manage perceptions such that you can organize a group of employees to achieve the goals you want?  The field of psychology has produced many techniques that will allow you to reframe your message in a manner that will get everyone on the same page.   Dr. Boyce has packaged these ideas and many more in a Psychology of Management seminar that will truly change the way you lead in your organization.  Contact us today to ...

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All Industries

Upcoming Speaking Engagement in Alabama!

Mark your calendars for Noveber 8-10, 2011 for the Southeastern Regional Mine Safety and Health Conference to be held in Birmingham, Alabama. My talk, the Psychology of Safety Leadership, will be presented on Wednesday, November 9 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:20 p.m.  I hope to see you there! Mention this article to me at the conference and we'll enter you in to a raffle drawing for a complimentary 2-hour on-site or Skype consultation or 1-hour presentaiton. Click here for the conference web page.

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All Industries

You Can Know in Advance What Impact Your Decisions will Have on Behavior!

The science of human behavior has a lot to say about employee motivation.  For example, did you know that if you offer a reward for performance regularly at the end of the month you will get a very different pattern of behavior than if you give the same reward for the same performance at different times each month. Given that the reward is of value to the performer, in the former situation, you will see an increase in performance regularly at the end of the month.  In the latter situation, performance will be more evenly distributed throughout the month.  Depending on the goals you have set for your business, one pattern of behavior may be more appropriate than the other ...

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All Industries

Motivated Magazine!

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Boyce will have an article published in Motivated Magazine on line.  Notable contributors to Motivated include: Sir Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, Deepak Chopra, Bill Clinton, and Steve Wozniak. We will post a link to Dr. Boyce's article once it's available.  So, please be on the look out for our special announcement.

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All Industries

Pinpointing Behaviors and Designing an Observation Card: A First Step in Cultivating the Human Side of Safety

Last month we described the importance of focusing your safety efforts upstream from the traditional measures of safety typically used to evaluate safety success in industry. The suggestion, from the perspective of behavior-based safety, was to create a system in which you can measure on-going safety-related behaviors. Moreover, it was recommended that you involve employees in the process of measurement by having them make peer-on-peer behavioral observations. This month, I’ll describe the common characteristics of a Critical Behavior Checklist that employees can use to make observations of one another, as well as the importance of each of these characteristics. I will also discuss the inherent benefits to safety at your facility of having employees regularly make behavioral observations. The Critical Behavior Checklist ...

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