Why Zero Injuries Does NOT Always Mean Your Worksite is Safe

About BBS

Behavior-Based Safety is a visionary application of work grounded in the tradition of 120 years of behavioral science. Therefore, it is not quickly understood or embraced by the untrained mind. An excellent Applied Psychologist, such as our Dr. Boyce, can pave the way for your staff, management and corporate office to quicken the learning curve for this visionary application to improve human performance. The premise is to provide people with the ability to execute behaviors necessary to be successful, regardless of their current level of understanding or prior experience with BBS. Once these critical behaviors are in place, each person’s mind expands to grasp the larger-scale vision and long-term benefits of BBS.

Dr. Boyce is an Applied Psychologist trained in the tradition of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.  Dr. Boyce helps organizations use findings from 120 years of behavioral science to improve human performance impacting a variety business outcomes.  And, he creates culture change using these proven techniques. There are 5 components to the process which can be implemented together or independently to positively impact your workers, your facilities, and your business.  A list of our various services can be found here.

BBS is not just about Safety. It’s also about Culture Change and Performance Management. The processes are not very involved or cumbersome for any business or individual to learn and understand. We find that the most difficult part which is done at the beginning of the process enables your workforce to carry out the behaviors necessary to improve all aspects of your operation from Safety to Production.

BBS Myths and Misunderstandings: the process is neither oo long or too costly. The expenses associated with it are dependent on who you hire, how they are able ( or unable) to work with your existing safety programs / customizability at your site,  et al. A full implementation of BBS ( with all 5 components) can be done by Dr. Boyce within 2-3 days. Thus, Dr. Boyce is the least expensive part of the process. The most costly part of the process is taking your workforce off line for a 2 or 3 day training. Production need not be halted for days or weeks and it would be incumbent on you to work with Dr. Boyce to  coordinate the best training schedule for your staff and location. Dr. Boyce has done training in all types of locations from break rooms, parking lots and stadiums to five star hotels.

Dr. Boyce is THE Triple Threat in Safety and Leadership

Consulting, Training, and Keynote Speaking: 1) Ph.D. in Psychology; 2)

over 18 years of experience transforming work cultures as an on-site

consultant, course leader, and keynote speaker, and 3) more than 25 years

background as a professional entertainer.

 To get started, call 775-232-3099 or email ted.boyce@cbsafety.com