Continue reading What Would You Do? New Video of Dr. Boyce posted on
From the Admin: We have posted a video of Dr. Boyce presenting an important message about injury prevention at a recent luncheon meeting for safety professionals. While the video is informal, the message is one that Dr. Boyce felt deserved to be heard by all of those that have worked with him and the Center for Behavioral Safety or who otherwise visit our website.
We invite you to consider the value of a great talk that is meant to inspire action, conveys a strong leadership and safety message, and is done by The Triple Threat: Dr Thomas E. Boyce.
Please forward this video link to your Human Resources Staff, to your meeting planners and conference coordinators, and contact us to ...
Continue reading What Would You Do? New Video of Dr. Boyce posted on
Dr. Boyce will be presenting at talk entitled: The Essence of Safety: How to Overcome Resistance and Produce Lasting Change at the November 16th, 2012 meeting of the Golden Gate Chapter of the National Safety Management Society. The next step in the evolution of Behavior-Based Safety Leadership, all those who are using Behavior-Based Safety, have ever done so, or even considered it are encouraged to attend. Dr. Boyce has provided the following as a description for the upcoming presentation:
Understand and develop the natural power of human psychology to become a better leader.
In a 1-hour forum that uses stories, demonstrations, and discussion, participants will:
Continue reading A San Francisco Bay Area Safety Talk
Dr. Boyce will be speaking on the Psychology of Leadership at the Mt. Diablo ASTD Meeting on October 16, 2012 in Dublin, CA. You do not have to be an ASTD member to attend. For more information and to register please click here.
Dr. Boyce will also be facilitating a 2-Day course on leadership in New York City on November 5 and 6, 2012. And, he will be in Los Angeles on December 10-12, 2012 to teach a Leadership Course. Please contact us directly for more information regarding these events.
Finally, please click here to access Dr. Boyce's first column for Mining Quarterly. His article appears on page 15 of the e-magazine and page 11 of the printed version.
To ...
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As a behavioral scientist I understand the impact of emotion on behavior. It can both enhance and inhibit. If someone is asked to do something that does not work to produce the results they expect (or have achieved in the past), they get frustrated and stop doing the behavior. On the other hand, when they are excited they can’t get enough of what excites them and related behaviors increase in frequency.
When you implement a process within your more comprehensive safety program, emotions are experienced by employees. If the implementation is done correctly, you generate excitement and behavior to support the change. Employees are involved and engaged. Then, as time passes, employee involvement and excitement appears to diminish. Behavioral science helps ...
Continue reading Have You Reached a Safety Plateau? Don’t Rely on the Flavor of the Month to Help
We have been asked to keep subscribers informed about where Dr. Boyce will be traveling. With prior arrangements, he is happy to make a site visit to your facility when he is in your area. In the spirit of keeping everyone informed, below are Dr. Boyce's upcoming speaking engagements.
Continue reading Upcoming Events! Schedule Dr. Boyce to Appear at Your Event
Dr. Boyce's webcast through the American Management Association, recorded on March 21, 2012, is now available as a recorded session. Entitled Mind Matters! Getting Results through Psychology, the hour long webcast takes you on a brief journey through 3 schools of psychology that can help you make an immediate difference at your workplace. If you missed the live broadcast, you can get more information about the webcast and make arrangements to listen to the recorded session by clicking on the following link:!.aspx
Please also see the Psychology of Management post on our website for information on a 2-Day course that will build on the material that Dr. Boyce will only have the time to touch on during the webcast. He will ...
Continue reading Mind Matters! Dr. Boyce’s Recent Webcast Now Available as a Recording
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Boyce’s article: You Don’t Have to Be an Undercover Boss (to know what your employees are thinking) has been published by EHS Today. Below is an excerpt from the article:
With the recent popularity of the reality television show “Undercover Boss,” I have been thinking a lot about how communication at all levels of an organization is critical to making decisions that positively will impact your company’s bottom line. And although important, I don’t want to limit this assertion only to communication from the top reaching the frontlines in an unfiltered way.
Your employees, with their real-life stories, typically make or break your safety, environmental, quality, productivity and customer service. It is for this reason ...
Continue reading What Can You Learn from an Undercover Boss? Register now for Dr. Boyce's AMA course, the Psychology of Management: Why People Do What They Do. Developed by Dr. Boyce exclusively for the American Management Association, this course will change the way you manage and lead. Dr. Boyce will be teaching the first 3 scheduled sessions found here: The Psychology of Management 2012. Continue reading The Psychology of Management: Why People Do What They Do
I just returned from my first experience at the Southeastern Regional Mine Safety and Health Conference. I send my sincere appreciation to all those who attended my talk on the Psychology of Safety Leadership. And, I want to thank the conference committee for inviting me to present.
I was quite impressed with the venue and the sessions I had the pleasure of attending. James Spann, meteorologist for Birmingham's 33/40 ABC News, gave a particularly useful presentation on “preparedness”. Using the horrible rash of tornadoes that killed 252 people in the Birmingham area earlier this year as a backdrop, his message strongly applies to occupational safety. One thing he said really stood out to me. In describing the weather system he claimed, ...
Continue reading You Can Learn “A Lot From the First Storm” When You Practice Pure BBS
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