Continue reading Motivating Safety at Work!
We are pleased to announce that the next Motivating Safety at Work! session will be held on October 23, 2014 in Foster City, CA. Space is limited. Click here for a more detailed program description and to register.
To replicate this workshop in your city or to schedule a private session at your worksite, please e-mail us at: or call us at 775.232.3099.
Continue reading Motivating Safety at Work!
You are constantly on our minds. And, we would not ever expect our clients to learn and do continuous improvement without doing it ourselves. Thus, as part of our own commitment to continuous improvement, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Dr. Boyce’s new public speaking website,
Focusing on Dr. Boyce’s live public appearances and news, the website will keep you up-to-date on where Dr. Boyce is performing and on the latest topics in leadership, motivation, culture change, communication and, of course, safety. Let us know how we might be able to serve you better ...
Continue reading to Provide the Latest News on Dr. Boyce’s Public Appearances!
While we acknowledge the role of enforcing rules, regulations, and policies in any comprehensive safety program, we also believe that enforcement has its limits. 120 years of behavioral science and data on mining-related fatalities collected by MSHA themselves would back-up this assertion.
We are pleased to present a new brief video of Dr. Boyce sharing a story that describes a circumstance where enforcement (reprimanding at-risk behavior) is not the appropriate solution to the problem identified. Please view the video here: httpv:// and share your story of a situation where enforcement would not be enough to improve safety.
Contact ...
Continue reading Learn Why Regulations Alone are Sometimes NOT Enough to Improve Safety
1. Contact us at 775.232.3099 to explore various connections between Dr. Boyce’s training and experience and what you want your audience to hear, see, and do. He will customize a session for your group.
Continue reading How to Engage Dr. Boyce as a Speaker for Your Event August 2013 Lot's of momentum here at the office: 1. we are now offering Dr. Boyce's Leadership How to Book through advanced copy on our website: 2. we have posted a brief and hopefully helpful description of Dr. Boyce for your meeting and HR managers: 3. Dr. Boyce's Interview with AMA's Leader's Edge is available 4. Dr. Boyce is more active on Twitter 5. Dr. Boyce has a new Keynote address on Driver Safety for Adults and Teens Continue reading Momentum Says Dr. Thomas E. Boyce: "I advocate the use of Psychology in the workplace- in every profession, especially in Safety, Communication and Production. Test: in the U.K. High-Risk industrial employers are 6 times less likely to be injured or have a fatality. Given this I would suspect that even if not formal about it, they are more likely to use psychology in the workplace. Consider that something as simple as a break for tea in the afternoon can do wonders for employee morale and improved morale is often correlated with better employee performance."~ August 8, 2013 Continue reading Something to Think About
Be amongst the first to hear Dr. Boyce’s NEW provocative, enlightening, and practical keynote address. Developed in response to his article of the same title just published in Mining Quarterly (click here), the talk description supplied to CBS by Dr. Boyce reads as follows:
“Zero injuries isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. In fact, “zero” can lull a facility in to a sense of complacency regarding the basic necessities of injury prevention. During this edgy, yet entertaining and informative talk, Dr. Boyce will describe the downside of using traditional measures of safety such as injury-rate to evaluate safety success and also the perils of rewarding the absence of injuries as a measure of good performance. He will also ...
Continue reading If Your Facility Hasn’t Injured Someone in a While, You May NOT Be Doing Your Job!
We are pleased to announce a new keynote speech and workshop by Dr. Boyce entitled: How to Take Your BBS Process to the Next Level:Things You Need to Know that Your Consultant Won’t Tell You. Please see a brief program description below:
Many companies have tried a version of Behavior-Based Safety (BBS). Each likely involved some form of observation card, employee observations in the field, feedback, and action plans around critical issues identified. And, despite these consistencies in appearance and mechanics, some companies have great success with BBS and are able to sustain it over the course of years while others see little added benefit beyond that often described by employees as “flavor of the month”. This talk will discuss the science-based ...
Continue reading Take Your Behavior-Based Safety Process to the Next Level!
We have added links on our website to several articles published by Dr. Boyce. You can access these by clicking here.
The articles cover a range of topics and will have relevance to your organization regardless of whether you are currently using Behavior-Based Safety or not. Please bookmark this page and check back regularly for additional publications.
As always, contact us directly to have Dr. Boyce engage with you and your employees directly in one of his popular live appearances.
Continue reading Complimentary Publications from Dr. Boyce
From the keynote speeches, panel discussions, and customized short-courses and workshops, there are a variety of ways you and your company can engage with Dr. Boyce.
A few of the popular formats we can arrange include:
Keynote Speech: Live, on stage featured presentation filled with practical tools, stories, and humor
Short Course/Workshop: ½-day to 3-day detailed session with interactive exercises and demonstrations
Panel Discussion: as a moderator or panelist, Dr. Boyce will ensure the conversation is lively, timely, and fact based
A Meal with Dr. Boyce: intimate conversation over a meal
Ask the Expert: advisory consultation sessions in person, over the phone, and via Skype
On-Going Conversations: follow-up sessions that can be done on-site or on line
Visiting Professor: Engage an expert for an ongoing educational experience
Dr. Boyce’s ...
Continue reading Book Dr. Boyce for a Live Appearance in 2013 |
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