Why Zero Injuries Does NOT Always Mean Your Worksite is Safe

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Learn What Fortune 100 Companies Teach Their Employees Every Year!

Unable to spare the time or resources for one of our comprehensive face-to-face workshops?  Relax!  We have created a short self-paced on line over view of our popular Motivating Safety at Work course.  This Udemy course, complete with over 30 minutes of video instruction; and supplemental materials, supporting documents, and a quiz is available conveniently and on demand.  For a limited time (and only with the link found here) this course will be offered at an introductory price of $49.  If you or those you work with have not had a BBS refresher within the last year, or want to better understand how to apply the Science of Behavior ...

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Motivating Safety at Work!

We wanted to remind you that our next Motivating Safety at Work session, Motivating Safety for Construction, is to be held in Foster City, CA on February 21, 2015.  Please visit www.motivatingsafety.com for more information and to register.  We look forward to seeing you there.

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Jump Start Your Culture Change in 1 Hour

Will your company let another year go by without it? By now you may have heard about Dr. Boyce’s new book: 122 pages, 2 sections, 6 chapters, 2 applications, 120 years of behavioral science in a 5x4” book.  Available in bundles of 20 or more, over 30% off the retail price.  Order for your team, conference attendees, members, or any business leader in time for the New Year! Thank you.  And, you’re welcome! (for larger orders over 100 contact us at 775.232.3099 for pricing and shipping estimates).  www.thepsychologyofleadership.com

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How to Engage Dr. Boyce as a Speaker for Your Event

1. Contact us at 775.232.3099 to explore various connections between Dr. Boyce’s training and experience and what you want your audience to hear, see, and do.   He will customize a session for your group.
    • You may provide us with an outline for the scope of your project
    • A customized speech or workshop does not mean it would be cost prohibitive
    • Dr. Boyce’s experience in teaching, delivery of adult education, and expertise in designing curriculum will ensure you get maximum value from your session
2. We are not currently posting our schedule on line.  When you provide us with the desired date or date (s) for your event, we can check this ...

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Take Your Behavior-Based Safety Process to the Next Level!

We are pleased to announce a new keynote speech and workshop by Dr. Boyce entitled: How to Take Your BBS Process to the Next Level:Things You Need to Know that Your Consultant Won’t Tell You.  Please see a brief program description below: Many companies have tried a version of Behavior-Based Safety (BBS).  Each likely involved some form of observation card, employee observations in the field, feedback, and action plans around critical issues identified.  And, despite these consistencies in appearance and mechanics, some companies have great success with BBS and are able to sustain it over the course of years while others see little added benefit beyond that often described by employees as “flavor of the month”.  This talk will discuss the science-based ...

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Book Dr. Boyce for a Live Appearance in 2013

From the keynote speeches, panel discussions, and customized short-courses and workshops, there are a variety of ways you and your company can engage with Dr. Boyce. A few of the popular formats we can arrange include: Keynote Speech:  Live, on stage featured presentation filled with practical tools, stories, and humor Short Course/Workshop: ½-day to 3-day detailed session with interactive exercises and demonstrations Panel Discussion: as a moderator or panelist, Dr. Boyce will ensure the conversation is lively, timely, and fact based A Meal with Dr. Boyce: intimate conversation over a meal Ask the Expert: advisory consultation sessions in person, over the phone, and via Skype On-Going Conversations: follow-up sessions that can be done on-site or on line Visiting Professor: Engage an expert for an ongoing educational experience Dr. Boyce’s ...

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Psychology of Management

What do you see in the figure below?    Some people see green arrows pointing right while others see yellow arrows pointing left.  And, both would be correct.  If perception is reality and people perceive different things from the same physical reality, how do you manage perceptions such that you can organize a group of employees to achieve the goals you want?  The field of psychology has produced many techniques that will allow you to reframe your message in a manner that will get everyone on the same page.   Dr. Boyce has packaged these ideas and many more in a Psychology of Management seminar that will truly change the way you lead in your organization.  Contact us today to ...

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